Introduction to Photo Scan Mode in KIRI Engine #3dscan #photogrammetry #kiriengine #3dmodeling

Photo Scan uses our cutting-edge Photogrammetry technologies. If you know how to use it, it can produce high-quality 3D assets for AAA video games or movies! Watch this video to learn the basics of Photo Scan mode in KIRI Engine and photogrammetry.

Highlighted KIRI Engine Features
[Free version that’s actually usable]
Free users can actually scan and export their models (at least 3 free exports/week), and they benefit from the same algorithms as KIRI Engine Pro users. The 100-photo limit per scan still lets you get great details on small/medium size objects.

[Superior Android version (Equally good on iOS)]
KIRI Engine is available for both iOS and Android platforms. The Google Play store has been sorely lacking 3D scanning applications for ages, KIRI Engine is known as one of the best 3D scanner apps on Android. Check this out: Photogrammetry on Android is Surprisingly Good by All3DP

[Quad mesh retopology and AI-generated PBR]
KIRI Engine can export 3D scans with quad mesh and even…

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