How To Improve Gaming Performance On Android

How To Improve Gaming Performance On Your Android Phone

⏺️ Force 4x MSAA:

4x MSAA or 4 times multi-sample anti-aliasing is a resolution boosting method that balances a game’s graphics and performance. By enabling 4x MSAA you’ll be able to enjoy the game at an almost similar graphics level with improved processing speed.

⏺️ Warning

Do note that this mode is not the normal setting for your phone, and enabling it for long periods of time could shorten your phone life, and is thus not recommended for more than 2 hours of gaming at a time. This requires more graphics power and will probably drain your battery a bit faster. Turn this off after gaming. Enabling 4x MSAA feature may not be safe if your device is heating up quickly.

⏺️ Users should know that this function is only recommended for devices that have GPU capable of native MSAA support.

⏺️ To enable this mode:

1) Enable developer options.

2) Enter the Developer Options tab and find the Force 4x MSAA option. Simply enabl…

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